Personalized Expert Consultations

Empowering patients to make healthcare decisions with confidence.

Get a second opinion from expert, sub-specialized physician consultants.

No matter where you or your family are in your healthcare journey, we know that you are likely searching for answers, direction, and any advice that will lead to a positive outcome. We are here to help. MD For Patients utilizes an interactive-care model that puts patients in direct contact with their doctor, allowing for increased transparency, truly comprehensive evaluations, and actionable solutions for you and your family.

Meet our physicians arrow right angle 01


A new vision to improve the practice of medicine.


Care with dignity.

Each of us has been a patient at some point in our lives. That’s why we take patient dignity, privacy, comfort, and confidence seriously. Our culture is built around earning our patients’ trust while serving their needs with compassion and respect.


Comprehensive case examinations.

We take a holistic view of our patients’ imaging and healthcare history – not just the most recent scans or data. This approach helps us to recognize patterns, improve diagnostic accuracy, and better inform patients’ treatment decisions.


Communication made simple.

It can be difficult or impossible for most patients to speak directly with sub-specialists in “niche” medical fields, such as pediatric neuroradiology. We set out to change that by putting our patients in direct contact with their doctor from the start.

Life-changing second opinions.

MD For Patients' goal is to provide thorough, comprehensive case reviews to help ensure that patients receive the most accurate diagnosis and recommendations possible.

Establishing a new model for clinical consulting.

“I founded MD For Patients to provide clear, trustworthy, honest consultations about medical imaging and its significance – and to be there again when my patients think of more questions that they forgot to ask because they’re so (justifiably) worried and distracted about their own health, or the health of their child.”

– Dr. Halsted

The first practice of its kind for direct, individualized care.

Whether you are seeking a one-time second opinion, an in-depth consultation, an ongoing relationship with us, or a sub-specialist physician who is able to work in conjunction with your current care team, MD For Patients provides individualized care plans that meet you where you are.

We believe that a better physician-patient model is possible.

We know how it feels to struggle to receive an accurate diagnosis or to communicate directly with your doctors. We believe the future of care can be better.

Interested in being part of a better model of care? Get in touch with us.

Dr. Halsted designed and founded MD For Patients to empower patients and to give healthcare providers greater access to expertise. The goal of this practice is to allow patients to seek second opinions and consultations from expert physicians who are given the time they need to do their best work.


Give us a call to schedule your consultation.

Get in touch with us to request your consultation.

MD For Patients focuses on providing direct patient consultations - and consultations with / assistance to patients’ local healthcare providers.

If you are an attorney seeking assistance from one of our consultants as an expert witness, or a patient either in the midst of, or considering initiating, legal action with regard to your consultation request, it is certainly possible that we can assist you, but please call us at the number below rather than initiating a consultation request through the website form.  We will be in touch with you.

This differentiating process is necessary so that we can provide our clinical patients and their care providers with the best direct care and customer service possible - without the confusion that might arise if the intent at entry is related to litigation.

Get started by providing your basic information and we will email you with next steps.

Primary Contact Form (with Purview link)

We require the name and contact information of at least one of your current local healthcare providers.  If an unanticipated critical finding is identified during your consultation, we must be able to reach one of your local providers on your behalf.

This provider need not be in the same specialty as your consultation request. Please provide this information in the Referring Physician section on the Expert Opinion Request form you will complete during the intake process.